Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bad Management Cares Nothing for the Residents MOLD !

Update on my prior post about fighting corporate :

The company owner I hired to come into my apartment and take air samples sent the lab results showing mold in both my bedroom and living room, to the manager. he wanted to  arrange a time for the manager and him to talk about getting this mold out of my apartment a/c ducts.

Instead, he was told by her, that he had no business taking air samples without talking to her first.
This was/is in MY apartment, that I pay $524.00 for on time each month. I have a right to have anyone I want to come into my apartment. That would include a local tv station (s ) if I  decide to do this.

He said he doubts that he will ever be allowed to come back into this building again. Let me state that he was not sneaking around. He signed into the building log at the front desk.

I now have the proof that at least my apartment is moldy. I also smelled it. I still do, when the a/c is between cycles.

The air sample testing was done and the company owner did not touch or  take down any vents or walls, etc. He merely  did the air samples. This mold was found to be in my apartment after the shoddy company the management company hired, supposedly cleaned the ducts and "got rid of the mold."

They did not get rid of the mold ! I will give her the opportunity to talk with me about this on Monday.  If by Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 I have not heard from her, I will stop being ms nice lady.
I will then take steps like I should have in the beginning when I noticed and became sick from the mold, to the  county health department and state of Florida and maybe even obtain an attorney.


  1. Sorry you are having to deal with this. But I'm glad you know about it.

  2. Hi Kit ~ Thanks...well it's Thursday and the flippant airhead manager has not been here. The office door has been closed ! I'm trying to find an attorney...that will take this on commission.

  3. cover-up....that's what corporations do best!
