Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tramatic Situation With Accidents

Okay. I  drove Scoot over to the doctor's office and got my injection of  Methotrexate. That will last for a week.
Then I drove on back home but did'nt stop , as I needed some food items from the local neighborhood  store.

I am at home relaxing and now will update what has happened in the past few months.
I had yet another skin cancer surgery. That one had grown sideways into my forehead !
This took place in February, 2013. I have a large scar there, but the doc got it all out after two times with the scalpel.

A long time relationship  had been dwindling, and in June of this year , ended as we knew it. It took a long time for me to realize that he and I are not good in a relationship for each other.

It's tramatic, but we remain just friends, and email and call often, and we both still care. He is the one I had the fun date with, on Monday that I wrote about earlier.

Next, as I was packing and getting ready for yet another move on June 26th, 2013, my back decided to go into some serious painful spasms.  I'm all moved and I have alot of those plastic bins/totes to unpack. They can wait though...

June 30th, 2013 as I was reaching up to open a kitchen cupboard,  the top of my left hand hit the sharp edge of the counter corner and gashed it wide open. I had to go to the E.R.

This has a layer of Mepitel One over the wound and then a protective soft gauze pad, then a regular gauze pad is laid over top of that. Finally it is all bandaged, and is changed every other day now.  A Saline wash solution is used to clean around it.

I could not have stitches, as my skin is paper thin and tears easy. Even a bandaid will tear my skin off. It has been just about  two months now and the scab formed and is now dropping off, leaving a jagged scar, but is healing nicely !

Next, was something that happened on July 16th, 2013. I fell on the floor. There was nothing to grab ahold of , so my whole body fell to the floor, boom ! My head actually bounced it slammed into the floor, my back and hips and knees and wrists and neck. They all got the brunt of it. Today is August 21st 2013, and the big bone that broke ( coccyx ) and more smaller bones in my neck and shoulders and bottom area  are less painful than in the beginning.
I am healing properly but cannot turn certain ways, or make quick movements. I need to be careful everywhere I sit, and no sitting for long periods of time.

I'm thankful for each day that I can get out of bed carefully, and  function well enough to take care of myself without the aid of a home health care company. They were here for awhile for the gashed hand, but I got along without them when I fell.

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